Where can I see the fees I have been charged?


You can view and download all the charges we’ve made to your account by logging into the Accounts Dashboard, and following these instructions:

  • Go to the ‘live accounts’ tab
  • Select the account you’d like to view history of from the drop-down
  • Click ‘history’ in the left-hand navigation
  • Select ‘past activity’ in ‘show’ drop-down
  • Choose the time period you’d like to see
  • Click either ‘view history’ or ‘download history’


You can view all fees and charges by logging into your iOS app, and tapping through the following.

  • ‘More’
  • ‘History’
  • ‘Activity’
  • ‘View history’


You can view all fees and charges by logging into your Android app, and tapping through the following.

  • ‘More’
  • ‘History’
  • ‘Activity’
  • ‘View history’

Overnight statement

We also generate an overnight statement which contains all deals and associated charges, and will be automatically sent to your registered email address at the end of each day.